Jan 14, 2020 | Boilers, Gas Safety Register, Heating, Hot Water Cylinders, Kitchen, Landlords, Plumbing, Water Softeners, Wet Rooms
What is a MagnaClean? A MagnaClean is a central heating system filter which is capable of capturing virtually 100% of the Magnetite within a system. Magnetite is the official name of system sludge, it’s made up from Iron Oxide the result of a chemical...
Jan 14, 2020 | Boilers, Gas Safety Register, Heating, Hot Water Cylinders, Kitchen, Landlords, Plumbing, Water Softeners, Wet Rooms
Heating Chemical Power Flush A Heating Chemical Power Flush is a chemical process that cleanses your central heating system and removes any elements inside of pipes, such as rust or debris that may be causing it not to work as well. MPE Plumbing Heating...
Oct 2, 2019 | Boilers, Heating, Hot Water Cylinders, Landlords, Plumbing, Smart Energy, Wet Rooms
What is a system boiler? This model works on the principle of stored hot water. It provides heat for your heating system while being able to heat a hot water cylinder (like a Megaflo). This guarantees the simultaneous supply of hot water to all outlets. These type of...